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The Literacy Coalition believes learning to read should be a right and an opportunity provided to all children.
Welcome to The Literacy Coalition!
We are a coalition of parents and experienced education professionals who clearly understand how the inability to read can affect children academically as well socially. In Pennsylvania public schools, less than 40 percent of 4th-grade students’ demonstrated proficiency on the 2018 NAEP1 assessment, and this percentage has remained unchanged since 2011. We must do better!
Learn about our programs that can improve reading performance for schools, provide training to enhance speech and language professional’s literacy skills, and assistive technology workshops to help students and parents.
What does the Literacy Coalition do?Literacy Coalition works with school districts, school administrators, teachers, parents, speech and language therapists, and students to run programs that improve childhood literacy. These structured, evidence-based programs include Sustainability and Systematic Tools to Achieve Reading Success (SSTARS) and Assistive Technology Development and Consulting. Contact us for more information about how we can help you.
Why are literacy and foundational reading skills important in early childhood?Early childhood literacy has a proven impact on a child's later academic success and future prospects. If a child is not reading at grade level by 3rd grade they almost never catch to their peers. A childhood literacy program that is structured and evidence-based can help ALL children learn to reach including those who struggle to read.
What does a childhood literacy program do?Our literacy programs help schools, teachers, speech and language pathologists (SLP), and parents develop childhood literacy in students. Learn more about our programs.
What is foundational literacy?Foundational literacy are the skills needed to read and write, such as phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and phonemic awareness.
What is an early literacy intervention program?Early literacy intervention programs support young kids who are falling behind their peers in reading and writing skills. Early literacy intervention strategies include teacher-lead activities in the classroom, student-to-student reading, rereading, and retelling, and one-on-one tutoring.
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